New home for Willow


No-one will be more surprised than us that we are the new owners of a famous name in the needlecraft world. Willow Fabrics is now Devon based, the business formerly near Manchester has been uprooted and is now ours! We will be an internet business only now, and just serving the retail trade, but we will be expanding Willow in new directions to serve the stitching and craft trade. Come and visit us at soon.

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Susan Penny has become one of Britain's best-loved craft writers. She has already written more than 50 books and introduced tens of thousands of readers to new craft skills and memorable projects. Many of her books, like 'Knitted Cakes', have become international best sellers. Her background is an arts graduate who has turned her love of making things into a career. After launching and editing some of the biggest and best craft magazines in the UK, Susan is now one of the most respected designers, writers and editors in the contemporary British craft scene. Susan is just as happy working with needle and thread as a crochet hook.


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