Knit for Victory



Knit for Victory is a non-competitive vintage knitting challenge, which started on November 4th, and runs through until January 31st, 2014. You can make anything you like as long as it has a 1940s feel.  It could be a hat, gloves, or cardigan, in fact anything that takes your fancy!   And you don’t have to dress vintage everyday to appreciate the classic look of 1940s-inspired knitwear and join in the knitting fun!
The competition is being run by By Gum, By Golly, a Vintage blog written by the lovely Tasha. Finished projects will be shared on the Knit for Victory Flickr group, so there is no need to post your entry!  All final project photos must be on Flickr  by January 31st in order to be included in the final project lineup.
Great idea…Thank you Tasha. Look forward to seeing all the entries in the new year.


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