Stitch Papercut Hearts

Papercut Hearts

When I visited Odense in Denmark a few years ago, I was inspired by the wonderful papercuts by the writer Hans Christian Anderson. It seems he was an addict to paper. He wrote on it, he drew on it – and he cut it. Just like a potter uses clay or a sculptor uses stone, so he used paper as an expression of his storytelling.
There is no direct connection between his papercuts and his penned stories, but each papercut was accompanied by a fantastic tale, cut using his monstrous scissors and paper taken from a bag that went everywhere with him. At the end of the cutting session, he would unfold the paper and show his amazed audience what he had created.
 Hans Christian Andersen wrote 169 fairy tales in his lifetime. My favourites are: The Little Mermaid, The Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen, The Fir Tree, The Little Match Girl, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina.
Although Hans Christian Anderson died in 1875, his stories are still read by parents and children everywhere. His little house in Odense is a wonderful place to visit, and his papercuts, which are truly amazing, can be viewed on the Odense Museum website if you can’t make the journey to Denmark.
Hans Christian Andersen was born April 2nd, 1805 in Odense, Denmark. He died August 4th 1875 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Make these charming hearts in time for Christmas, find the project here.

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Susan Penny has become one of Britain's best-loved craft writers. She has already written more than 50 books and introduced tens of thousands of readers to new craft skills and memorable projects. Many of her books, like 'Knitted Cakes', have become international best sellers. Her background is an arts graduate who has turned her love of making things into a career. After launching and editing some of the biggest and best craft magazines in the UK, Susan is now one of the most respected designers, writers and editors in the contemporary British craft scene. Susan is just as happy working with needle and thread as a crochet hook.


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